Having access to convenient, affordable, quality health care on campus is an important part of your success, and we’re here to serve you. Our department is made up of four offices to help all students stay healthy in mind and body while at bet36365体育.
Our mission is to cultivate holistic wellness through innovative programs and services to foster student growth.
bet36365体育 Student Health now offers telehealth home video visits as a convenient appointment option for mental health services.
Appointments are required. Call 308-865-8218. View more details about telehealth visits.
Student Health Hours & Location:
Walk-ins are welcome. However, please note that scheduled appointments are preferred and given priority. If all appointments are booked and there are several walk-ins in line ahead, immediate availability is not guaranteed.
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Memorial Student Affairs Building, Room 184.
Appointments: 308-865-8218
Counseling Hours & Location:
Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Memorial Student Affairs Building, Room 144
Appointments or questions: 308-865-8248
Emergency Phone: 308-865-8248
During this time individuals may experience heightened stress and anxiety. Check out some ideas on how to manage those feelings.